Video: PhPID Explained

Produced by Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC), this film gives an overview of how Pharmaceutical Product Identifiers (PhPIDs) are created and assigned to medicinal products.

PhPIDs are a key part of the IDMP standards and will have a significant impact on how pharmacovigilance is carried out, and will contribute to the safer use of medicines globally.

IDMP Webinar – Current status and the road to implementation 

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) believes that IDMP represents a game-changing development in the world of pharmacovigilance by establishing a common language and facilitating the effective exchange of vital medicinal product data across the entire drug development and regulatory lifecycle. By enabling harmonized data exchange, IDMP enhances our ability to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks associated with medicinal products. In an open, 1 hour webinar on 14 June 2023, UMC will welcome interested parties to learn more about the current status of IDMP and how various global stakeholders, including UMC, are collaborating to implement the standards and make them a reality.

UPDATE: Recordings of the webinar are now available – see below