Operating Model for PhPID Construction 

Problem statement: 

For stakeholders to have access to global PhPIDs, a PhPID operating model needs to be put in place.  

Project description: 

The goal of this project is to define the operating model for global PhPIDs through/by: 

  • Identifying the main requirements for the operating model from regulators, industry, health care professionals and other stakeholders 
  • Developing a proposal for a solution to provide the information needed regarding quality, timelines, and access to support the business processes 
  • Establishing business rules for the PhPID generation and assess feasibility for publishing in ISO technical report 
  • Establishing the global maintenance organization, i.e., UMC and propose framework and processes for international working group 
The combination of substance, dose form and strength creates a unique common denominator for medicinal products from country to country. The different levels of PhPID have been created for as precise coding as possible based on the level of detail provided in the drug verbatim. Illustration: UMC/Laurent Baudchon, Illustre