September 2024: Global IDMP Working Group (GIDWG) Yearly Stakeholders Meeting at Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency.

Our past conferences have been packed full of valuable information and outstanding networking opportunities, and we know this year will continue the tradition. Welcome to our 4th Global IDMP Working Group (GIDWG) Stakeholder Meeting that is now preliminary planned for third week of September 2024 and will be hosted by Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, Anvisa) in Brazil.

End-to-End Demonstration Q4 2023 – Q2 2024

Testing of use cases for PhPID operating model


Testing framework, including business rules, best practices, software and operating model, for the global IDMP implementation and maintenance of global identifiers for marketed products.


•Validate and generate PhPIDs for medicinal products based on GIDWG/EWG Business Rules

•EDQM + non-EDQM countries

•Similar products from different countries

•Larger batches & smaller data sets for regulators  

•Testing of Pharmacovigilance, Drug Shortages and Cross-border Healthcare use cases

STATUS: ongoing

19-20 October: CTADHL sixth trans-Atlantic workshop.

Focusing on CTADHL’s objectives, the sixth Trans-Atlantic Workshop will again bring
together experts engaged in the various aspects of IDMP implementation across the globe –
from product development to regulatory processes, dissemination, clinical use, and
utilisation & outcome assessments.

18 October: Global IDMP Working Group (GIDWG) Stakeholders Public Meeting

Welcome to our 3rd Global IDMP Working Group (GIDWG) Stakeholder Meeting.

The GIDWG’s mission is to conduct and report on projects leading to the establishment of a framework for the global implementation of the ISO IDMP standards and maintenance of global identifiers.

The GIDWG will report on 5 pilot projects (1. Substance Identifiers, 2. Dose form Identifiers, 3. Strength Definitions Identifiers, 4. Operational Model, and 5. FHIR for information exchange) for global use cases including Pharmacovigilance, Drug Shortages and Cross Border Healthcare.

Please find presentations from the public meeting below: